what will rat poison do to a dog

Dr. Justine Lee explains the dangers of active ingredients in rat and mouse poisons. For more from Dr. Lee, find her on Facebook!

Every bit the weather gets colder, mice and rats offset seeking shelter in warm locations… in other words, your firm! Unfortunately, the commencement of autumn means the start of mouse and rat poisoning, putting your dog or true cat at risk.

In today's blog, we'll talk well-nigh the four unlike types of agile ingredients found in these mouse and rat poisons. These poisons all work (and kill) in different ways, so pay heed!

While the most common type of mouse toxicant (e.g., brodifacoum, bromadiolone, etc.) often affects your dog's power to clot properly, new EPA mandates by the government are reducing the availability of this specific type of poison (called an anticoagulant rodenticide or "ACR"). Unfortunately, this means that newer, different types of poisons are cropping upwards. Not even all veterinarians are aware of these newer active ingredients!

Depending on what type of mouse and rat poison was ingested, clinical signs can vary. When in doubt, please don't utilise these poisons around your house if you have pets. I'm never an advocate of using these types of poisons, as they pose a threat to wildlife, pets, and birds of prey (e.g., raptors like red-tail hawks, owls, etc.). I'd rather you use the more man snap trap – much safer to you and your pet!

Anticoagulant rodenticides (ACR)
These ACRs inhibit the production of Vitamin-G dependent blood clotting factors (made in the liver), so when ingested in toxic amounts by dogs or cats, it can result internal bleeding. Thankfully, at that place's an antidote for this blazon of mouse and rat poisonous substance: Vitamin K1, a prescription medication readily available at your veterinarian. With ACR poisoning, clinical signs don't accept affect for three-five days. However, left untreated, ACR poisoning can be fatal. Signs to look out for include:

  • Lethargy
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pale gums
  • Cough (especially of blood)
  • Vomiting (with claret)
  • Encarmine nose
  • Swelling or bumps on the skin (due east.one thousand., hematomas)
  • Collapse
  • Bleeding from the gums
  • Decease

Treatment includes decontamination, Vitamin K1 orally (typically for 30 days), blood transfusions, plasma transfusions, oxygen, and supportive care.

Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)
Equally an emergency critical care veterinary specialist, this is my well-nigh hated type of poisoning. Just a modest amount can outcome in astringent poisoning in both dogs and cats. This type of mouse and rat poisonous substance results in an increased amount of calcium in the trunk, leading to kidney failure.  Unfortunately, this type has no antidote, and is very expensive to treat, equally pets typically need to be hospitalized for 3-7 days on ambitious therapy. Clinical signs include:

  • Inappetance/anorexia
  • Languor/weakness
  • Decreased or increased thirst/urination
  • Halitosis
  • Kidney failure
  • Tremors
  • Weight loss
  • Death

Handling includes aggressive Four fluids to flush the calcium and kidney poisons out, medications to help decrease the body'south calcium level (due east.g., pamidronate, calcitonin, steroids, diuretics), and frequent blood work monitoring.

While this type of mouse and rat toxicant sounds similar some ACR types (e.thousand., bromadiolone, brodifacoum), it's totally unrelated to clotting and is not treated with Vitamin K. This is a mouse and rat poison doesn't have an antidote, and works causing encephalon swelling (due east.m., cerebral edema). Clinical signs include:

  • Lethargy or anxiety
  • Walking drunk
  • Airsickness
  • Tremoring
  • Seizuring
  • Coma
  • Death

Treatment includes inducing vomiting, administering activated charcoal, IV fluids, anti-seizure medication, muscle relaxants, and supportive intendance.

While this type of poisonous substance is less common, you should care, every bit it's potentially poisonous to you, your family, and your veterinary staff! Phosphides are typically used to impale slightly bigger creatures similar moles and gophers (and is less ordinarily used equally an active ingredient in mouse or rat poisons).  When ingested, the phosphides product a toxic gas in the breadbasket called phosphine gas.  Clinical signs include:

  • Drooling
  • Bloat
  • Gastric-dilatation volvulus
  • Inappetance
  • Anorexia
  • Languor/weakness
  • Difficulty animate
  • Death

Treatment includes not feeding your dog (no milk, bread or other "anti-poison home remedies"). That's considering if there's food in the stomach, information technology actually makes the poisoning worse and results in more phosphine gas production. This same gas is poisonous to humans too, so make sure you lot don't inhale the gas. In other words, if you lot're driving to your veterinary clinic and your dog vomits at domicile or in the machine, brand sure to ventilate the surface area well (east.1000., open the windows, turn on the air conditioner in the car, etc.). Besides, when the veterinary staff induces vomiting in dogs ingesting phosphides, they should do then outside or in a well-ventilated area. Treatment includes anti-vomiting medication, antacids, Iv fluids, and supportive intendance.

If you're not scared off by mouse and rat poisons at present, your dog's in trouble! When in doubt, keep all mouse and rat poisons out of reach of your family, children, and pets. If accidentally ingested, contact your veterinary immediately to find out how to treat it. With aggressive treatment, the prognosis is off-white to excellent, depending on what type of poison they got into. As with most poisons, the sooner y'all identify the poisoning, the sooner you treat it, the less problems for your pet (and the less cost to yous!).

If you accept any questions or concerns, you should ever visit or call your veterinarian – they are your all-time resource to ensure the health and well-beingness of your pets.


Source: https://www.pethealthnetwork.com/dog-health/dog-toxins-poisons/dangers-rat-poison-dogs-and-cats

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