Why Do My Skyrim Family Keep Abusing Our Dog
And then, I take no problem distancing myself from killing animals in a video game and the thought of killing animals in real life. I uncertainty I could take an fauna'due south life in real life (unless information technology meant that I were to die) only I take no trouble sucking the soul out of goats in order to make full my soul gems.
Still, at 1 point in my travels, somewhere nigh Riften, I was walking by a fort and I was attacked by some bandits because I got too shut. Later on killing a bunch of the bandits, I decided to check the place out, namely because I my axe melted through the bandits like butter. Once inside the fort, I was horrified to see that it was a dog fighting/gambling operation. The walls were covered in a lot of claret, there were wolves locked in cages, the guards were betting on outcomes of a fight betwixt 2 wolves in a large cage in a pit and the dogs that would not aggro on the bandits were chosen "pit wolves." In a blinding rage, I slaughtered every bandit in the place and put the wolves down out of a sense of mercy.
For some reason, this consequence has stuck with me more than than any other event in Skyrim. On one hand, I hate the developers for including something like this in the game, but on the other hand, information technology fabricated me realize how much I'm against the cruelty of animals. I've ever known that cruelty to animals is incorrect, of course, but it was e'er something that happened well away from me and my life.
Practice y'all think any of the developers set out with making this particular dungeon with any sort of thought behind saying something on the effect of cruelty to animals? Did anyone experience affected by this identify?
Signing off to go play fetch with my Dalmatian.
Simply a vidya game dude. I'm more than worried that yous don't seem to have the same compassions for humans in games.
Killing people are ok, but animals are incorrect?
I'thousand with SamFo on this, its foreign people cannot exist bothered past murdering human being(oid)s but animals tin make them recollect for a 2d.
And animal cruelty is e'er a discipline that makes me swallow when information technology is mentioned or implied.
Aforementioned for abuse and such, its mostly a natural homo reaction, I retrieve!
I haven't actually seen this place in Skyrim withal, only it sounds kinda disgusting since animal cruelty is 1 of my to the lowest degree favorite things - but I'm also intrigued since it'due south a topic I don't see much of in games so I'll go explore!
I practise hope in that location's a quest line to somehow complimentary the wolves though since killing them out of my ain sense of "AI mercy" seems wasted; of class by freeing them I'd but end up randomly killing them in the wild anyway.
Merely a vidya game dude. I'grand more than worried that yous don't seem to have the same compassions for humans in games.Yeah, it's a chip disconcerting that your axe can cutting through humans like butter, withal you're shocked by a virtual domestic dog fighting band. Were you not concerned past the equally poor treatment of vampires?
I don't hateful to make a joke of the situation, animal cruelty is wrong, but if you're concerned with animate being violence in video games, why not human violence?
I've found it kind of hard to care nearly the animals in Skyrim. I really wanted to take a dog, simply the fucker just wouldn't finish barking, so I told him to go home. Thing is, I didn't have a dwelling at the time, and then I have no idea where he went. LOL. I likewise wanted to accept a equus caballus, just I'm pretty certain he got stuck in the terrain of a mountain somewhere or died. Either way, he was a waste of 1000 septims, and then good riddance. The only animals in the game that are worth anything are mammoths.
I don't think Bethesda accept the capacity to hibernate annihilation under metaphors like that.
WOW! Id hate to run across how you would feel with the Greasle Pit fights in Dues EX Invisble war....that matter braught good money......
ITT: Insensitive assholes with the, "it's but a game," argument.
@KimChi4U: I haven't played Skyrim, merely that is a adept thing that a situation can be then well realized that yous start thinking nearly your your opinion on moral problems and let that dictate your actions.
@BoG said:
@SamFo said:
Simply a vidya game dude. I'm more worried that you don't seem to take the same compassions for humans in games.Yeah, information technology's a bit disconcerting that your axe can cutting through humans like butter, yet y'all're shocked by a virtual canis familiaris fighting band. Were you lot non concerned by the equally poor treatment of vampires? I don't hateful to make a joke of the state of affairs, animal cruelty is wrong, simply if you're concerned with creature violence in video games, why not human violence?
Those humans made the (digital) option to grab a sword and try to impale you though, the dogs are being trained to kill each other against their will.
I institute a like thing near Whiterun but information technology was a Rat fighting ring. Anyway, I phonation the sentiment of anybody else, killing people OK, killing animals no.
@BoG said:
Yeah, information technology'due south a bit disconcerting that your axe can cutting through humans like butter, nevertheless y'all're shocked by a virtual dog fighting ring. Were y'all not concerned by the every bit poor treatment of vampires? I don't mean to make a joke of the situation, animal cruelty is wrong, merely if you lot're concerned with animal violence in video games, why non human violence?
I dunno, I can kind of understand the rationale behind it which is humans accept the ability to exist good or evil whereas animals can only follow their instincts. i.eastward. when a wolf attacks you lot in Skyrim, it's out of instinct, non out of malice similar the homo enemies in the game. And so in that sense I approximate I would feel more pity toward an animal that attacked me considering that was its instinct versus some bandit or thief who chose to attack me out of malice, greed, anger, etc.
Like the people the animals are but lines of code wrapped up in 3d meshes with textures.
Animal lovers are weird.
I bricked a squirrel one time to put information technology out of information technology'south misery. It was atrocious. The neighborhood cat had slashed it's throat but left it alive, thrashing around past the adjourn. I picked upward the closest heaviest thing I could notice, a cinder brick, and chucked information technology equally hard equally I could at the squirrel's head, hoping to speed upwardly the inevitable. Information technology took two hits before information technology stopped moving. I realized and so that I could never go hunting.
occupy riften
@Napalm said:
ITT: Insensitive assholes with the, "it'southward just a game," argument.@KimChi4U: I haven't played Skyrim, but that is a good thing that a situation can be and then well realized that you start thinking about your your stance on moral issues and let that dictate your actions.
ITT: People who don't get emotionally attached to video games*
i got tired of my equus caballus attacking stuff with me and then i turned around and murdered information technology. and i will say it was a good decision. fuck that horse, he tried to steal my kills.
@No0b0rAmA said:
Killing people are ok, but animals are wrong?
Yes. But to the OP, practice y'all eat meat?
Even so just the aforementioned, there is no animal crueler than a human being, and in the words of Paxton Fettel regarding brutal and evil humans "They demand to die, They all deserve to die'. Maybe when we act meliorate than how we (mostly incorrectly by attaching human motivations) perceive animals, is when we tin differentiate ourselves every bit humans. And yea, video games are an idealization of our experiential universe
Y'all've never had an emotional connection in a videogame? Y'all must live 1 pitiful life.@Napalm said:
ITT: Insensitive assholes with the, "information technology'south just a game," statement.@KimChi4U: I haven't played Skyrim, but that is a good affair that a state of affairs can be then well realized that y'all beginning thinking about your your stance on moral issues and let that dictate your actions.
ITT: People who don't get emotionally fastened to video games*
So, you accept no problem killing people, but animals proceed y'all awake at night? WTF OP?!
@Jrinswand: Somebody has to make that modern. Mammoth companion. I want 1. I want one so much.
@Napalm said:
@emergency said:
You lot've never had an emotional connection in a videogame? You must live 1 sad life.@Napalm said:
ITT: Insensitive assholes with the, "it's just a game," argument.@KimChi4U: I haven't played Skyrim, but that is a good thing that a state of affairs can be and then well realized that you get-go thinking virtually your your stance on moral issues and let that dictate your actions.
ITT: People who don't become emotionally fastened to video games*
I sure exercise.
@KimChi4U said:
So, I have no problem distancing myself from killing animals in a video game and the thought of killing animals in existent life. I doubt I could have an animal's life in real life (unless it meant that I were to die) simply I have no problem sucking the soul out of goats in social club to fill up up my soul gems.
However, at 1 point in my travels, somewhere almost Riften, I was walking by a fort and I was attacked by some bandits because I got besides close. Subsequently killing a bunch of the bandits, I decided to cheque the place out, namely considering I my axe melted through the bandits like butter. In one case within the fort, I was horrified to see that it was a domestic dog fighting/gambling operation. The walls were covered in a lot of blood, there were wolves locked in cages, the guards were betting on outcomes of a fight between two wolves in a large muzzle in a pit and the dogs that would non aggro on the bandits were called "pit wolves." In a blinding rage, I slaughtered every bandit in the identify and put the wolves down out of a sense of mercy.
For some reason, this event has stuck with me more than than any other event in Skyrim. On one hand, I hate the developers for including something like this in the game, merely on the other hand, it made me realize how much I'grand against the cruelty of animals. I've always known that cruelty to animals is incorrect, of grade, but it was always something that happened well abroad from me and my life.
Do you call up any of the developers set out with making this particular dungeon with whatsoever sort of thought backside proverb something on the issue of cruelty to animals? Did anyone feel affected by this place?
Signing off to go play fetch with my Dalmatian.
I lol'd
I recollect its more of a setpiece to show the actor what horrible people the bandits are, make you want to kill them.
Was one of the bandits' name Michael Vick, did yous notice?
Was this a serious post? I mean, seriously? Of all the things to be offended by in video games over the years...dog fights in Skyrim? BTW, you need to get ahead and hate on the devs of Mass Issue 2 likewise (alien dogs are people too), non to mention Super Mario who thinks nothing of ripping the epidermis off of a poor tanooki, the better to kill turtles with my dear:

Whats adjacent? a hippy post about the spriggans?
That is until you expect around and read the diaries of the bandits. Run into, ever since they were little kids, they wanted to be a elementary blacksmith or merchant. However, with an alcoholic father and a whore of a mother their family name was ruined. No 1 would give them an apprenticeship much less a loan to starting time his own business organisation. Despondent by this, he decided to join the local street gangs as he realized the life of crime was the only way he would survive in this globe. Just similar an animal must chase out of his natural instinct for survival, this bandit must turn to a life of violence to survive.@BoG said:
@SamFo said:
Only a vidya game dude. I'g more than worried that you don't seem to have the same compassions for humans in games.Yeah, information technology's a bit disconcerting that your axe tin cut through humans like butter, notwithstanding you're shocked by a virtual dog fighting ring. Were y'all not concerned by the equally poor treatment of vampires? I don't mean to brand a joke of the situation, animal cruelty is wrong, but if you're concerned with animate being violence in video games, why not human violence?Those humans made the (digital) choice to take hold of a sword and endeavor to kill you though, the dogs are being trained to impale each other against their will.
In fact, he was expert at it. And then good, in fact that he eventually was able to expand and have his ain fort. Gambling and dog fighting rings where put in identify to generate more revenue, but that was done to speed up his programme. For y'all see, that bandit was saving up his money really. He knows, he cannot live the brigand life forever, so he planned to one 24-hour interval quit with his savings and be a merchant finally. The calm, unproblematic life he had been denied his unabridged life; one he must literally kill for to have.
Honestly, that bandit just didn't have the same urge to impale any more. Instead of volunteering to go to raiding parties, he but offered to defend the fort and make his actress money gambling, getting just i gilded money closer to his retirement. Then one mean solar day, the lone wanderer came by his fort. Information technology was the bandit'due south duty to defend his fort, if even to just raise his sword to frighten off the attacker. All the alone wanderer had to do was turn around, and no lives would be lost that twenty-four hours. The lonely wanderer, however thought differently as he welded the butter melting axe.
TL:DR - And so concludes the life of the bandit. Wanting a uncomplicated life, he was denied through his upbringing in a broken home and overly racist universe. His volition to live made him impale, simply he always did program to ane day live the unproblematic not-fierce life. That was until he met the about cold hearted mutherfucker in the globe. The dragon slayer to some, the petulant thief to others. It didn't thing to the alone wanderer, every bit every bounty just meant more dead bounty hunters, and as time passed, the decaying bones of dragons mounted through out the world. Curious thing then, that lone wanderer started to actually feel remorse when he stumbled upon a small domestic dog fighting ring.
This is a general desensitization consequence, I think. Even under the auspices of hunting to go pelts and whatnot, I have a very hard time killing animals in video games unless they're coming after me -- I besides have a very hard time seeing animals being hurt in movies, etc... I think a lot of this comes from but not beingness used to seeing violence against animals every bit much every bit we see violence against humanoid creatures in video games. You lot could even perhaps call it a bit of a guilt thing -- we all consume meat, merely ofttimes don't really want to know how it makes it to the store.
The example of this that has stuck with me the about over the years is a montage of scenes in the movie The Sparse Cherry Line. Loads of dudes existence shot, etc... is juxtaposed with a baby bird writhing effectually on the ground, obviously wounded or stepped on. The men beingness shot bothered me far less than the images of the bird. I think it has a lot more than to exercise with shock value and what y'all're used to seeing as opposed to what you're not used to seeing than it does about valuing human life, etc...
I oasis't come across this dungeon even so, but kind've hope I don't. I certain won't go looking for it.
Whats next? a hippy post about the spriggans?

ITT: Insensitive assholes with the, "it'south merely a game," argument.I don't recall anyone is arguing and just because people can tell the deviation betwixt a game and real life doesn't make them insensitive assholes.@KimChi4U: I haven't played Skyrim, but that is a adept thing that a state of affairs can be so well realized that you kickoff thinking nigh your your stance on moral issues and let that dictate your actions.
How else am I going to get my fur glaze and matching boots?
Cruelty to animals is a horrible thing in reality. Human cruelty to fellow humans is a horrible thing also.
Both are topics covered by the game...with subtopics like sexism, racism, religious persecution, homosexuality, molestation, rape, sexual assault, torture, genocide, etc. Hell, fifty-fifty poaching specifically is addressed by just about every "hunter" you come across.
Should it garner an emotional response from you? Sure. Just as any of those other things might be unsettling, like Sapphire'due south life story for example.
But every bit a rationally thinking developed you should also be able to distinguish reality from fiction and accept it every bit nothing more than than a game touching on a hard subject. Your anger at the developers for including that specific topic is misplaced at best.
@SamFo said:
Just a vidya game dude. I'thousand more than worried that you don't seem to have the same compassions for humans in games.
That is sage communication there.
@Napalm said:
@emergency said:
You've never had an emotional connexion in a videogame? Yous must live one sorry life.@Napalm said:
ITT: Insensitive assholes with the, "it's just a game," statement.@KimChi4U: I oasis't played Skyrim, but that is a good thing that a situation can be so well realized that you commencement thinking most your your stance on moral issues and let that dictate your actions.
ITT: People who don't get emotionally fastened to video games*
ITT: People that don't understand that Skyrim is just a bunch of ane'south and 0's, nada more, cipher less.
@No0b0rAmA said:
Killing people are ok, but animals are incorrect?
I recollect that the game is well made if it makes you lot feel that, or perhaps you just actually detest animal cruelty in whatsoever form. Merely stuff similar this bothers me a lot in real life, cruelty to anything.
Virtual cruelty, I probably can't mutter about seeing as I've cutting down innumerable virtual dudes or annihilation that moves in games. And I gauge it might touch me if I'm immersed in the game or if it'south horrific and seems to exist there for no reason other than to stupor.
What StaticFalconar said.
Bethesda put that dog fighting ring there to make you feel aggression towards the bandits - to tug at your emotions and bring yous deeper into the game world. The thought is to allow yous to feel morally superior past destroying their den. Alternatively you have the selection to leave it there and permit them exercise their thing.
@StaticFalconar said:
@GunslingerPanda said:
That is until you look around and read the diaries of the bandits. Run across, ever since they were little kids, they wanted to be a simple blacksmith or merchant. All the same, with an alcoholic father and a whore of a female parent their family unit name was ruined. No i would give them an apprenticeship much less a loan to start his own business. Despondent by this, he decided to join the local street gangs as he realized the life of crime was the only way he would survive in this earth. Just like an creature must chase out of his natural instinct for survival, this bandit must turn to a life of violence to survive. In fact, he was good at it. And then adept, in fact that he eventually was able to expand and have his own fort. Gambling and dog fighting rings where put in identify to generate more acquirement, but that was done to speed up his programme. For yous see, that bandit was saving upwards his money really. He knows, he cannot live the bandit life forever, and then he planned to one day quit with his savings and be a merchant finally. The calm, elementary life he had been denied his entire life; one he must literally kill for to take. Honestly, that bandit but didn't have the aforementioned urge to kill any more. Instead of volunteering to go to raiding parties, he just offered to defend the fort and brand his extra money gambling, getting just 1 aureate money closer to his retirement. Then ane day, the lone wanderer came by his fort. It was the bandit's duty to defend his fort, if fifty-fifty to merely raise his sword to frighten off the attacker. All the solitary wanderer had to do was plow around, and no lives would be lost that day. The lonely wanderer, nonetheless thought differently as he welded the butter melting axe. TL:DR - And and then concludes the life of the brigand. Wanting a simple life, he was denied through his upbringing in a broken home and overly racist universe. His volition to live made him kill, simply he e'er did program to one mean solar day alive the simple non-violent life. That was until he met the virtually cold hearted mutherfucker in the world. The dragon slayer to some, the petulant thief to others. It didn't matter to the alone wanderer, every bit every bounty just meant more dead bounty hunters, and every bit fourth dimension passed, the decaying bones of dragons mounted through out the world. Curious thing then, that lone wanderer started to actually experience remorse when he stumbled upon a small-scale canis familiaris fighting ring.@BoG said:
@SamFo said:
Just a vidya game dude. I'chiliad more than worried that yous don't seem to have the aforementioned compassions for humans in games.Yeah, it's a bit disconcerting that your axe can cut through humans like butter, yet y'all're shocked by a virtual dog fighting ring. Were you non concerned past the as poor handling of vampires? I don't mean to make a joke of the state of affairs, animate being cruelty is incorrect, but if you're concerned with beast violence in video games, why not human violence?Those humans fabricated the (digital) choice to grab a sword and try to kill y'all though, the dogs are being trained to kill each other against their volition.
Great motivation to totally fuck those dudes up.
I actually tried several times to permit dogs or wolves that are in cages become only they always end up attacking me. :(
When I found the wolves caged upwardly at this place, my first thought was HAAAAYYY FREE SOULS!
Seriously, though.... they were pixelated doggies, and you lot murdered them. Murderer.
Yous talk about cut bandits like butter, and you lot get saddened by a dog-fighting pit?
What almost dragons ? Are considered to be animals ? They talk and can communicate with creatures different from their ain kind,
I wonder if you lot would be more affected if it had been humans and not dogs.
From your writing, I imagine yous care a lot more about animal cruelty than human.
I mean, you could have been this afflicted by any of the many religious and racial persecutions in the game, some dudes in Riften basically say they are going to go that that Dark Elf girl'south firm in the middle of the night to rape and/or murder her because she's a dissimilar race and therefore must be a spy. Or the Thalmor abducting people indiscriminately to torture and murder every bit they see fit. 1 quest requires yous to find an innocent person and sacrifice them to one of the gods to gain their attention.
There's a 1000000 other like examples where humans are being forced to do evil things against their wills, or having terrible things done to them. I'm not trying to invalidate your observations though, Its great that you lot can be moved by something and realize just how wrong animal cruelty is. I am merely making an interesting observation about y'all, and really most humans. I suppose animals are viewed as lesser creatures, and we should protect them perhaps. Though they're besides our nutrient, and an animal wouldn't hesitate to impale one of united states of america to survive.
Anyways, interesting.
I actually think that's kind of awesome. Finding out a random brigand camp is a dog fighting ring is the kind of details that makes this game so slap-up.
As far as the whole fauna cruelty matter goes, I dear animals. More than nearly humans, actually. But it's just a game, man. I had to impale a brigand's dog at one point during a quest, which fabricated me feel kind of bad but I didn't have a break down over it. I don't think Bethesda was trying to make whatever kind of statement here. It'southward simply a absurd touch added to the world. I don't call up any of the developers are saying "dog fighting is cool, human being!"
animals are gay
except for cats
cats are not gay
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/forums/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-6593/animal-cruelty-in-skyrim-how-it-affected-me-526294/
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